This section shows relevant media publications concerning the Mission and Vision of the NGO. This section shows a selection of relevant media publications, from the standpoint of the NGO, in their original language. Sharing these publications does not necessarily signify endorsement.
Pink Cloud Project Podcast – Ina Hut: “Adoptie moet stoppen!”, 21 March 2024
Interview with the chairperson of the Committee Investigating Intercountry Adoption, February 2021
Onbegrensde adoptie – De groei van illegale adoptiepraktijken, Historisch Nieuwsblad 9/2019
Adoptiedorp wil rust – Onderzoek naar illegale adopties rijt oude wonden open, Algemeen Dagblad, 5 January 2019
Mondje dicht bij illegale adoptie, Algemeen Dagblad, 8 December 2018
“Brasileiros levados ilegalmente para Israel voltam ao país em busca dos pais biológicos”, Juliana dal Diva, Agência O Globo, 6 May 2018
“Illegal adoptions: States must tackle the pressure of demand, and ensure redress for victims”, United Nations Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner, 7 March 2017
“Mulher líder da quadrilha de tráfico de bebês concede entrevista exclusiva, Repórter em Ação, 14 November 2016
“Orfanato é investigado por tráfico de crianças”, Fábio Grellet, O Estado de São Paulo, 13 July 2015
“No appetite to uncover scale of illegal adoption scandal”, Conall Ó Fátharta, Irish Examiner, 13 April 2015
“Câmara aprova projeto de lei que classifica a adoção ilegal como tráfico de pessoas”, O Globo, 27 February 2015
“Vítima de tráfico de pessoas, mulher busca a mãe e tenta recomeço no Rio”, Henrique Coelho, G1 Rio, 6 November 2014
“State accused of ‘deny until they die’ policy on adoption tracing rights”, Conall Ó Fátharta, Irish Examiner, 5 November 2014
“Tracing a birth relative reaps rewards for adoptees – but can open a Pandora’s box”, Joanna Moorhead, Social Care Network, The Guardian, 24 September 2014
“Crianças à Venda: jovem descobre que é vítima de tráfico internacional de pessoas”, R7, 28 May 2014
“Eu, Leitora: “Fui traficada quando era bebê e vou transformar minha dor em filme”, diz Charlotte Cohen”, Isabela Noronha, marie claire, 18 March 2014
“The Secret Identity Of An Adopted Child”, Catharine Robertson, TEDxBaltimore 2014, 31 January 2014
“An Adoptee-Rights Hero Who Knows All the Arguments”, Sam Howe Verhovek, The New York Times, 3 June 2000
“The city of lost children. Is a Brazilian judge stealing babies for American Families?”, Katherine Ellison, Salon, 30 January 1999
“Heisse ware baby”, Der Spiegel, 5 June 1995
“Baby-Bomber”, Der Spiegel, 11 July 1988
“Justiça de Israel decide devolver menina Bruna sequestrada aos 4 meses no Brasil”, Globo Repórter, 17 June 1988
“Brazil Baby Farm”, Wendy Smith, Time, 4 August 1986
“Bebê brasileiro é produto de exportação ilegal”, O Globo, 13 July 1986
“adoptie van kinderen uit de derde wereld, 2”, VPRO – het spoor, 2 September 1985
“adoptie van kinderen uit de derde wereld, 1”, VPRO – het spoor, 26 August 1985
“Fly on The Wall Documentary – BBC Real Lives “The Baby Searchers””, 14 February 1985
“Esta filha é minha”, Júlio Bartolo, Revista Manchete, 1984
“Nederlands weeshuis in Brazilië beschuldigd: Woekerwinst bij verkoop baby’s.”, Bert Voorthuijsen, De Telegraaf, 5 March 1983
“Holandeses levam bebês ilegalmente do Brasil”, O Globo, 18 July 1982
“10 000 Dollar für ein Baby aus Kolumbien”, Der Spiegel, 12 July 1982
Interview with Cathia Seeder, Dutch TV report “Achter het Nieuws”, 22 February 1982
Illegal Adoption Procedure, Dutch TV report “Achter het Nieuws”, 22 February 1982 – Scene explains illegal adoption procedure
Interview with Brazilian lawyer Lia Junqueira, Dutch TV report “Achter het Nieuws”, 22 February 1982
This section shows relevant media publications concerning the Mission and Vision of the NGO. This section shows a selection of relevant media publications, from the standpoint of the NGO, in their original language. Sharing these publications does not necessarily signify endorsement.
Pink Cloud Project Podcast – Ina Hut: “Adoptie moet stoppen!”, 21 March 2024
Interview with the chairperson of the Committee Investigating Intercountry Adoption, February 2021
Onbegrensde adoptie – De groei van illegale adoptiepraktijken, Historisch Nieuwsblad 9/2019
Adoptiedorp wil rust – Onderzoek naar illegale adopties rijt oude wonden open, Algemeen Dagblad, 5 January 2019
Mondje dicht bij illegale adoptie, Algemeen Dagblad, 8 December 2018
“Brasileiros levados ilegalmente para Israel voltam ao país em busca dos pais biológicos”, Juliana dal Diva, Agência O Globo, 6 May 2018
“Illegal adoptions: States must tackle the pressure of demand, and ensure redress for victims”, United Nations Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner, 7 March 2017
“Mulher líder da quadrilha de tráfico de bebês concede entrevista exclusiva, Repórter em Ação, 14 November 2016
“Orfanato é investigado por tráfico de crianças”, Fábio Grellet, O Estado de São Paulo, 13 July 2015
“No appetite to uncover scale of illegal adoption scandal”, Conall Ó Fátharta, Irish Examiner, 13 April 2015
“Câmara aprova projeto de lei que classifica a adoção ilegal como tráfico de pessoas”, O Globo, 27 February 2015
“Vítima de tráfico de pessoas, mulher busca a mãe e tenta recomeço no Rio”, Henrique Coelho, G1 Rio, 6 November 2014
“State accused of ‘deny until they die’ policy on adoption tracing rights”, Conall Ó Fátharta, Irish Examiner, 5 November 2014
“Tracing a birth relative reaps rewards for adoptees – but can open a Pandora’s box”, Joanna Moorhead, Social Care Network, The Guardian, 24 September 2014
“Crianças à Venda: jovem descobre que é vítima de tráfico internacional de pessoas”, R7, 28 May 2014
“Eu, Leitora: “Fui traficada quando era bebê e vou transformar minha dor em filme”, diz Charlotte Cohen”, Isabela Noronha, marie claire, 18 March 2014
“The Secret Identity Of An Adopted Child”, Catharine Robertson, TEDxBaltimore 2014, 31 January 2014
“An Adoptee-Rights Hero Who Knows All the Arguments”, Sam Howe Verhovek, The New York Times, 3 June 2000
“The city of lost children. Is a Brazilian judge stealing babies for American Families?”, Katherine Ellison, Salon, 30 January 1999
“Heisse ware baby”, Der Spiegel, 5 June 1995
“Baby-Bomber”, Der Spiegel, 11 July 1988
“Justiça de Israel decide devolver menina Bruna sequestrada aos 4 meses no Brasil”, Globo Repórter, 17 June 1988
“Brazil Baby Farm”, Wendy Smith, Time, 4 August 1986
“Bebê brasileiro é produto de exportação ilegal”, O Globo, 13 July 1986
“adoptie van kinderen uit de derde wereld, 2”, VPRO – het spoor, 2 September 1985
“adoptie van kinderen uit de derde wereld, 1”, VPRO – het spoor, 26 August 1985
“Fly on The Wall Documentary – BBC Real Lives “The Baby Searchers””, 14 February 1985
“Esta filha é minha”, Júlio Bartolo, Revista Manchete, 1984
“Nederlands weeshuis in Brazilië beschuldigd: Woekerwinst bij verkoop baby’s.”, Bert Voorthuijsen, De Telegraaf, 5 March 1983
“Holandeses levam bebês ilegalmente do Brasil”, O Globo, 18 July 1982
“10 000 Dollar für ein Baby aus Kolumbien”, Der Spiegel, 12 July 1982
Interview with Cathia Seeder, Dutch TV report “Achter het Nieuws”, 22 February 1982
Illegal Adoption Procedure, Dutch TV report “Achter het Nieuws”, 22 February 1982 – Scene explains illegal adoption procedure
Interview with Brazilian lawyer Lia Junqueira, Dutch TV report “Achter het Nieuws”, 22 February 1982